'Purity of THOUGHT is deternined by Highness of Human Consciousness!'-Viktor HADJIEV, RECTOR & Owner of DNA Management BRAND; Title 'MAGNUS NUCLEUS' for Higher Intellectual Planes; superior meta-Cognitive inventions; Management programs & Legal frameworks.

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Viktor Hadjiev Wednesday, October 19, 2016 0 Comments

                                           Cognitive lesson 418-4:

                                    Peoply with Lofty Thoughts - Nationalists - Patriots,
                                    are often base in Character! Those with Concrete
                                    Conceptual Reasoning enjoy a Rational Understanding
                                    of Reality!; thus,
          "F o r g i n g
  a    C o n c e p t u a l     F r a m e w o r k     f o r      P r o g r e s s     i s    a n     A R T !"
                                                          - Viktor HADJIEV, twitter.com/viktorhadjiev, RECTOR and OWNER of DNA Management Brand*^°

There are certain socio-economic gaps that inevitably lead to frustration and reduce our intellectual potential for growth. Furnishing these intellectual gaps require adequate understanding of the environment within which our society operates. A tremendous amount of corporate capital is expected to exchange hands within the next 5-10 years. The reason is not only found in the inability of our Global community to secure sustainable solutions to security threats but also in the growing public intolerance to the lack of safety and systematic economic growth. This brings to the fore the necessity of creating a socio-economic business outlet that can fill development gaps and reduce environmental threats.

BEXO.org is designed to foster business cooperation creating the necessary preconditions for identifying and rapidly diminishing inert structure-administrative practices. In particular, it serves as a catalyst for growth in a number of ways:

- Aligns business opportunities with the need for funding capital or at least provides immediate access to such opportunities;

- Systemizes and categorizes socio-economic projects that help corporate and non-corporate entities to find solutions to their private and public investment needs;

- Facilitates and nurtures cooperation among organizational actors during the implementation of key socio-economic landscape projects.

It is only by higher level of business clustering and cooperation that we can achieve peaceful and meaningful results to the environmental multifaceted threats of today. Bad judgement easily multiplies and ultimately translates into intellectual mutilation and environmental degradation. For example, the lack of sustainable business cooperation framework inflates structural imbalances that ultimately raises the level of public spending on social and not economic projects. This advances a governmental agenda aimed at increasing taxes and providing superficial social welfare reforms; expands the unemployment rate; reduces the overall quality of life.

One cannot argue that there is a single socio-economic management solution to any environmental problems but we can successfully argue that certain development efforts may facilitate a desired progress. BEXO.ORG – a business networking platform bridges the aforementioned environmental gaps by fostering innovation and creating fresh economic impetus by pulling progressive entrepreneurial efforts into a purposeful and Open Minded direction.

Bexo.org synthesis comes on the 29th October, 2016.

                                        FORGING A FRAME ON REALITY THAT IS ENDLESSLY
                                        UNINTERRUPTED...OR WORKING WITH SMART PEOPLE
                                        TO BRING ABOUT A SOCIALLY ENTREPRENEURIAL CHANGE.

Viktor St. Hadjiev,
       Open Mind Society - www.openmindfund.org 
       Open Mind Management - www.openmindmanagement.org 
           - V. Hadjiev's Integral Center of Cognitive Topology - www.dnamanagement.org 
           - Partner of the Drucker Institute, Claremont, USA
           - Business Exchange Outlet - www.bexo.org

©All rights reserved. The material is property of Viktor Hadjiev, Management Center Open Mind Ltd. It cannot be used in socio-economic management teaching without a license published on this website - webpage Reel 3.

©Всички права запазениМатериалът е собственост на Виктор
Ст. Хаджиев, Център по управление „Оупън Майнд“ ЕООД и не може да се използва за обучение по мениджмънт без издаден лиценз, публикуван на този сайт – уебстраница REEL 3.

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